Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kudremukh Trek

One hell of a trek! [22-23rd Jan 2011]
Whenever am stressed at work, One thing i have been doing since few months is to check the posts of events from Adventura  Infy club to see where are they heading next. ‘Oh next one is round the corner and i cant make it.’ L .This is how i kept avoiding the strain on my body and mind. One such day, while i was seriously thinking this time to make it somewhere,I checked in the early Jan 2011 and nothing was coming up at that time. After that day, i checked only on 20th Jan, and there was an event happening on 22nd -23rd .immediately sent a mail and registered for it. I msgd my friend while waiting for the cab at the starting point “This is totally weird, donno if it’s a good idea to join like a loner here. There is no one whom i know here and all are guys.. Looks like they won’t include me” My friend replied” Lady, chill! just go with the flow” That’s it rest is history. This is no travelogue, so will cut the continuity here.
‘Ignorance is bliss’ i believe this is more situational to say whether true or not. This time for me, the situation was right. I had no clue how tough and exertive this Kudremukh trek would be. Just went with the flow like my good friend told me. First 7kms was under the impression that it is just 30mins walk, which took 2hrs in reality. Then i just kept the thought away that my leg has already started aching.We finally started the real trek in next 1hr.Was finding it ok, terrain had not started yet. Then i started checking time, only 45mins passed. Standard time for the trek is 4hrs…gosh!.We crossed so many small river steams inside the woods which kept the walk refreshing. (only to an extent). Offcourse the interesting crowd around made it easy for me. They were all so caring and ensured i reach the peak however cramped my body was,my nails broke ,face tanned, eyes sored and what not.Also as an amateur i didn’t wanted to create a scene that i can’t walk anymore…and leave me alone and such.
Any team can only be as strong as its weakest link and that was me. Cant help it. There were thoughts like,if i collapse what will happen, will some chopper come to pick me and i become famous as the only one who couldn’t finish a trek of Kudremukh OR the idea of world peace. My gang started pouring bright ideas which can make me famous and once i reach peak (somehow crawling) i don’t have to come down all the way back.Its just Nirvana after that. They would do the honors of pushing me from the peak and a fall for the world peace. Message to be later conveyed through all media. The 2 gentlemen‘s idea. I was in without 2nd thought. Even gave an offer to do it earlier to reaching peak. I could experience ecstasy little early.
Took just 1 break and we continued. Kudremkh is the second highest peak in Karnataka with 1892M peak or roughly 12kms 1 way. It is an accomplishment for me that i made it. It was so thrilling after reaching the peak. Fly like feeling. Felt proud to be in Karnataka. Lifetime is not enough to cover this state I believe.
Once i was up, wonder where all the great minds had disappeared who convinced me for world peace.
Organiser lot was all fun,1 who is an old timer and also senior was a Knight in the shining armor.If he’s around we don’t have to be worried about anything. What can i say, His family is the luckiest to live with such a lively person.The other was a little tough guy who was in doubt from starting till end whether letting in girls is a good idea or not. Ahh!...No wonder he suggested world peace idea first. So confirmed, he didn’t like me joining trip.Never mind! Next one was the cheerful guy with silly anectodes and close competent for K1 or K2 position, Who thinks after the trekking one will gain weight. Shouldnt it be other way? Else why would anyone trek atal?
3 more in the entire gang, Short, Tall and plump had their own gala time with their choice of music. Experimenting on photography and making sure they reach on top and return back safely.
One other was a thorough gentleman who initially might be thinking, where he landed with a bunch of jokers but sure had his share of fun. Agile, Silent killer who made his own notes through the trip and shot some sparklers in the end.
Remember 2 guys provoked me for world peace. One organizer, other is a guy with good sense of humor who gave me names like Teddy bear L….Doesn’ t suit me one bit.
Not to forget mentioning the super duper energetic gal (only other gal with me), who climbed to summit like a piece of cake. i initially thought she came along with her Icandy to the trip. But no, she was actually on the lookout for 1. That’s the spirit and full of life attitude i would say. She was the same from the starting of the trip till back to respective homes. Same enthu. Blessed one! Bangalore was her buddy..City as well as the person she came along.
Everyone started to relax once we reached back. I and my sweet caring (But K lot) friends reached last after 45mins of the first 2 reached. I removed my shoes, Went and crashed for 1.5hrs.I felt i was dying. No jokes, I wasn’t sure atall if i will get up again. Managed to leave bed after 1.5hrs and had dinner. Aren’t always the very innocent people get bullied. One was me obviously, as i was motivated to fire the poor guide for no fault of his. Also was looking out to vent out the toll on my body so i did. I couldnt get the trick atall. Other was a green eyed fair little mama’s boy who got pulled in for being honest with me to alert me against the K lot. This guy was the simplest of all where i noticed that all he was worried since the beginning of the trip was which should be his next trek and what all to cover for the year. I sincerely hope his friends spare him and don’t carry on from this trip. And by now he would hate me for being part of the bullying.
I am proud that i had saved some energy for the bona-fire fun time after dinner. We played a cute game of “Bindas bakwas”. Then switched to famous D.C. where we enacted from “Ete-F_ck” to “Jhanak Jhanak payal bhaje” to everything. All played well here and +10 points to the green eyed gboy for putting up with all of us.
The idea of the blog is, I met some very cheerful and interesting people after a long time. Something ideal that i was looking from this trip apart from the fact i wanted to strain my body and test my stamina. Each one was full of life. Almost everyone had the passion for photography. Captured in their cameras each grass, each flower in its most beautiful form. They all love nature. They have so much in their lives to do in their free time. I envy their life styles who wouldn’t ever get bored at all unlike me. Have managed to described each member of the trip. No offence meant to anyone.

K- Kaminey
“However far we go, Bangalore follows us” – One guy’s middle name has bangalore
“Once Vidya sacrifices herself to world peace, Kudremukh will be renamed Teddy bearmukh L
“Trip was nice, however we should look for a better guide next time who knows the route”:D
“Trip organizer menu: V-Rs.100,S- RS.100,H- Rs.200, P-Priceless”
“He s so tall,that it takes a while for the puke( sorry) to come out” As tall as 6’4”


  1. Very nice. We are looking forward for more adventure updates from you... :-))

  2. Thnx Siva,Have made a beginning,lets c how adventurous i can get :)

  3. Nicely written. I hope u r not related with Upendra :) without telling anyone's name u have narrated so nicely each one's character.

